2007年12月23日 星期日

Healing cripples raising from the dead ......



《歌劇魅影》 (The Phantom of the Opera) 是大家都熟悉的名劇,Andrew Lloyd Webber 的曠世傑作。 現代的年輕人可能不記得了,但Webber 在1970年推出的搖滾音樂劇《Jesus Christ Superstar》當年也曾造成轟動,還在1973年拍成電影。 我剛到美國那年與一個摩門教長老 Paul Anderson 當 roommate,此公剛從日本傳教兩年回來,酷愛當紅的 Jesus Christ Superstar 的搖滾樂,一卷錄音帶整天在房間裡播放,兩個禮拜下來我對劇中插曲已全部耳熟能詳,連伴奏、過門都非常清楚了。 Andrew Lloyd Webber 是音樂天才,歌曲動聽自不用說,但填詞並非他所長;為了使詞曲都佳,他找了大他四歲的 Tim Rice 寫詞。 Tim 是能七步成詩的才子,寫耶穌的故事以聖經為骨架,但以現代眼光看事情、寫歌詞 (作詞時 Tim 25歲。) 我先聽了一學期的歌曲,三年後看電影,最後有了家當了才買唱片,對 Superstar 一劇是有相當的瞭解的。

今天見報,有神醫牧師「喬派伯」者,到台灣開治病佈道大會。 東森新聞:『宣稱可以藉由神跡治病的神醫牧師喬派伯,22日晚間舉行佈道大會,還替現場信徒治療長短腳、失聰與癌症病痛;雖然光用肉眼看,無從判斷治療的效果,但信徒們都說有「神的力量」進到他們體內,讓台下響起陣陣掌聲。』 這段報導令我想起 Superstar 劇中,耶穌被捕後,被帶到希律王 (Herod the Great) 那裡問詢的一個場面 (希律王是替羅馬帝國管猶太人的,本身也是猶太人。) 希律王對一言不發的耶穌唱出如下的搖滾樂 :

《King Herod's Song》
Jesus I am overjoyed to meet you face to face
You've been getting quite a name all around the place
Healing cripples raising from the dead
And now I understand you're God, at least that's what you've said
So you are the Christ you're the great Jesus Christ
Prove to me that you're divine - change my water into wine
That's all you need do and I'll know it's all true
Come on, King of the Jews !

Jesus you just won't believe the hit you've made round here
You are all we talk about the wonder of the year
Oh what a pity, if it's all a lie
Still I'm sure that you can rock the cynics if you try

So you are the Christ, you're the great Jesus Christ
Prove to me that you're no fool - walk across my swimming pool
If you do that for me I'll let you go free
Come on, King of the Jews !

I only ask things I'd ask any superstar
What is it that you have got that puts you where you are?
I'm waiting, yes I'm a captive fan
I'm dying to be shown that you are not just any man

So if you are the Christ, yes the great Jesus Christ
Feed my household with this bread, you can do it on you head !
Or has something gone wrong ? Why do you take so long ?
Come on, King of the Jews !

Hey ! Aren't you scared of me, Christ ? Mr. Wonderful Christ !
You're a joke, you're not the lord! You're nothing but a fraud
Take him away, he’s got nothing to say
Get out you King of the Jews ! Get out of my life !


既然希律王不願管這檔事,耶穌就被帶回羅馬帝國猶太行省執政官「比拉多」那兒去了,遂有了39下鞭撻及比拉多「金盆洗手」的故事, but that’s another story.

希律王 (Herod the Great)

The crucification

狂呼 "Crucify him, crucify him,......" 的群眾,也正是唱下面這歌的一群人
"Christ you know I love you, did you see I waved, I believe in you and God, so tell me I am saved.."
懂得操控群眾運動的人可以從中得利,也可能被狂奔的群眾踩死..... 上帝保佑你。
