The trophy
From our saviors
From our saviors
From the enslaving force Of Rome!
With feasting and dancing and song
Tonight in celebration
We greet the victorious throng
Returned to bring salvation
The trumpet of Carthage resound
Hear, Romans, now and tremble
Hark our step on ground
Hear the drums!
Hannibal comes!
Sad to return
To find the land we love
Threatened once more
By Roma’s far-reaching grasp
(All spoken)
Monsieur Reyer:
Gentlemen, gentlemen--
Monsieur Lefevre:
Rehearsals, as you can see, are underway for a new production on Chalumeau’s Hannibal
- Overture/Hannibal Lyrics
我就自問:『羅馬』聽過、『迦太基』(Carthage, 音咖捨幾)聽過、『漢尼拔』聽過,但他們之間的關系是什么呢? 這就是『問』;所謂『學問』、『學問』,不問怎么會去學呢? 不去學怎么會長知識呢? 生活怎么會充實呢? 於是偶開始了學西洋史的第一個 project —— 腓尼基人、迦太基、羅馬與布匿戰爭(Punic wars)。 偶收集了幾天資料後昨天開始編輯,用 spreadsheet 及 word processor 做,樂趣無窮。 —— LB
Elissa Dido. 她是逃離腓尼基(今黎巴嫩)到北非建立迦太基城的公主,