2007年11月17日 星期六


住過「傅園」旁邊女生宿舍的大美人、卡拉唱將來函論及白先勇對女人的深切瞭解(版主按:尹雪豔與金大班)。 上至 every intricate thought ,下至 body language, 在大師筆下無不入木三分;她還談及日本「後戰後」時期作家村上春樹的《挪威的森林》,聽說村上也極懂女人。

基本上說,女人是被愛的,不是被瞭解的。 影響我對女人看法的文章有兩篇,一篇是李敖的《假如我是女人》,另一篇實際上是歌唱劇《マイ フア レデ() 的歌詞。 我給您引兩段消遣消遣:

李敖,《假如我是女人》 ….總之,做女人和炒菜一樣,是一番鬼斧神工的大藝術;內自三圍隆乳,外至一顰一笑,暗自眉目傳情,明至花容月貌,皆非糊裏糊塗的亞當子孫所能洞曉者。 英國詩人麥瑞底斯(George Meredith)認為女人是最後被男人教化的東西,其實他們男人是最先被我們征服的動物。 我們征服了他們,使他們對我們生出無窮的歆羨,進而每個男人都想變成女人,在眾香國、在女兒島、在人魚出沒的海洋,到處充滿了陰柔和平的氣氛,世界從此沒有戰爭,只留下無人追逐的美麗,伴著空谷的幽蘭和荒原的玫瑰,在秋風的吹拂裏同聲歎息。

Professor Higgins,
I’m an ordinary man》,
マイ フア レデ

You want to talk of Keats and Milton, she only wants to talk of love,

You go to see a play or ballet, and spend it searching for her glove,

Let a woman in your life and you invite eternal strife,

Let them buy their wedding bands for those anxious little hands...

I'd be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling than to ever let

a woman in my life

I'm a very gentle man, even tempered and good natured

who you never hear complain,

Who has the milk of human kindness by the quart in every vein,

A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, the sort who never could,

ever would, let an insulting remark escape his lips

Very gentle man...

But, Let a woman in your life, and patience hasn't got a chance,

she will beg you for advice,

your reply will be concise, and she will listen very nicely,

and then go out and do exactly what she wants!!!

You are a man of grace and polish, who never spoke above a hush,

all at once you're using language that would make a sailor blush,

Let a woman in your life, and you're plunging in a knife,

Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks,

I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition than to ever let a

woman in my life

另外林語堂有一篇《我喜歡和女人談話》的文章 (後改名《女人》) 也很有趣。 這些閱盡人間萬象的大師,對女人的瞭解有他們的功力,這功力的表現就像郭靖在接受黃蓉老爸選女婿考試時的表現一樣 -- 愣小子傾聽桃花島主吹簫片刻之後,一桿子敲下去,就正好打在黃藥師前氣已盡、後氣未起的骨節眼上,而且桿桿如此,內力深厚的一代「東邪」為之差點兒岔了氣。 在這種層次上的大師級男人才能言「瞭解女人」,像我們這種看到漂漂美眉就想抱抱的臭男人還是那邊涼快那邊乘涼去吧!

上面提到的文章軟版我都有 (連《射鵰英雄傳》我都有),要看的吱一聲,我給你傳過去。

註:日文的片假名會唸吧? 不會的話就翻成英文 – “My Fair Lady.”

又:歷史版的 "Spanish Inquisition" 使 500 萬冤枉的「女巫」被教會活活燒死。 Talking about "So dark the con of man!" (見 《達文西密碼》。)
