終於把 Firefox 看完了。 現在才知道戰機有「小說版」和「實際版」之分, 小說是1977年出版的,作家和電影製片都以想像中的 Mig31 作原型去描述,如下圖。 其實 Mig31 早在1975年就已試飛,老俄保密到家,直到1982年才正式亮相服役, 如二三兩圖。 服役後 NATO 的代號是 Foxhound,也不是如書名的 Firefox。 看完書後我對有「後燃器」的 turbojet 引擎發生濃厚興趣,過幾天給各位說一說。
作者 Craig Thomas 是英國人,他用的英文比一般老美作家來得拐彎抹角,句子長,逗點多,如果不專心看,三行下來就搞不清主詞是那個了;給你舉個例子,下面是老電子技師猶太人 Baranovich 和他手下的技工在成果驗收前檢查戰機電子線路的一個場面。 Baranovich 把Firefox資料洩露給英美情報機構,技工則是 KGB的線民:
When he looked down again from his perch on top of a pilot's ladder wheeled against the fuselage of the Firefox, he saw the squat, flattened features of the mechanic in the pilot's couch looking up at him, grinning. Baranovich, with as much aplomb as he could muster, smiled back and the mechanic, who had expected and wished to see fear, or unsettlement at the least, on Baranovich's face, scowled and turned back to his work.