這個三人組大家都很熟悉。 我提兩個問題:
1. Mary不用說,但兩個男人裡,那一個是Peter,那一個是Paul?
2. 他們的名字都很通俗,請問他們姓什麼?
答案: 比較矮小、老了以後戴眼鏡那個是Peter;高而年輕時消瘦、老了碩壯如牛的那個是Paul。 他們的全名是; Peter Yarrow, Noel "Paul" Stookey 和 Mary Travers。 注意 “Paul” 是一個 middle name,不是 first name.
我達拉斯家裡的書房有一部老 Pioneer 轉盤唱機,牆角有二三十張保養良好的唱片。 這三年來我每次回美都要放幾張老歌來聽聽,其中之一就是 Peter, Paul and Mary. 提到他們的名曲,大家都想到《500哩》,及《飄在風裡》,我卻全然不同,我偏愛下面兩首。 在憂鬱而清晰的男低音裡,我聽到成熟的情懷是什麼、所謂「淡淡的哀愁」是什麼、「由它去吧」的無奈是什麼。 女友離他而去加州,在707引擎怒吼展翅飛去的當兒,他在第九號跑道外的草皮上目送: 清晨的寒雨中他酒醉,手中有一塊錢,口袋裡裝滿了沙……
Early Morning Rain - Peter, Paul and Mary
In the early morning rain, with a dollar in my hand
And an aching in my heart and my pockets full of sand
I'm a long way from home, and I miss my loved one so
In the early morning rain with no place to go
Out on runway number nine, big 707 set to go
But I'm out here on the grass where the pavement never grows
Well the liquor tasted good and the women all were fast
There she goes my friend, she's rolling now at last
Hear the mighty engines roar, see the silver wing on high
She's away and westward bound, far above the clouds she'll fly
Where the morning rain don't fall and the sun always shines
She'll be flying o'er my home in about three hours time
This old airport's got me down, it's no earthly good to me
Cause I'm stuck here on the ground, cold and drunk as I might be
You can't jump a jet plane like you can a freight train
So I'd best be on my way in the early morning rain
下面這首歌表皮上看起來是一個浪蕩子在勸一個痛哭的女友別把愛情看得太認真、要拿得起放得下。 “你愛我的結果就是這樣 – 你什麼都失去了。” 他說, “像你這樣的我有上百個,在我玩完之前我會有一千個。” 這男人好可惡哟! 我們會這麼說。 可是從更深一層去想,他對愛情的看法可能比你我來得高明。 你先別生氣,你聽我說。
For Loving Me - Peter, Paul and MaryThat's what you get for lovin' me
That's what you get for lovin' me
Everything you had is gone, as you can see
That's what you get for lovin' me.
I ain't the kind to hang around
With any new love that I've found
Movin' is my stock in trade
I'm movin on
I won't think of you when I'm gone.
So don't you shed a tear for me
I ain't the love you thought I'd be
I've got a hundred more like you
so don't be blue
I'll have a thousand 'fore I'm through.
Now there you go you're crying again
Now there you go you're crying again
But then someday when your poor heart
is on the mend
I just might pass this way again (重複第一段)
我們都從小就被教育成「泛道德」主義者,把愛情、佔有、婚姻,忠實統統綁在一起,加上老中特有的男女不平等觀念,長久演化下來就成了目前我們大多數人的愛情觀 – 「我這麼全心全意的愛你,你已經是我的人了,怎麼能背叛我?!」 結果是有一方琵琶別抱後,另一方輕者借酒澆愁,重者硝強水、西瓜刀、手榴彈伺候。 其實愛情何曾是永恆的東西? 愛到最高點之前它是人人想要的蜜糖,但高潮之後它就走下坡了,退色了,如嚼腊了。 這種本質就不穩定的感情火花有必要跟婚姻等永久性的社會行為綁在一起嗎? 愛得死去活來之後各人降溫的速度不同,如此而已,沒什麼好要死要活的。 台灣的社會新聞幾乎每週都有火爆場面:上禮拜是大律師在人來人往的騎樓下、女子親生媽媽的面前,當場用菜刀砍死女友;這禮拜的是先掐昏,再姦屍般地性侵,然後完滿的勒斃。 這比歌中的主角高明到那兒去了呢?